A New Show at the Bob Baker Marionette Theater
LIVE Saturday, June 10
at the Bob Baker Marionette Theater
Tickets Here!
Geeks! Nerds! LA History Buffs! Anyone!
This is your kind of night.
Join Captured Aural Phantasy Theater and the Bob Baker Marionette Theater for NIGHT OF NOIR, an evening of vintage underworld treats that combines multi-media performances of vintage crime comics and the sweet seductions of the legendary, historic Bob Baker marionettes. The night includes live music and entertainment to make you fall in love with the shadowy streets of the City of Angels…and bring a smile to your face.
Help close out the Bob Baker Marionette Theater's historic restaging of their recently unearthed revue "Hooray LA" with puppets, crime and a love letter to Los Angeles - ONE NIGHT ONLY!
Doors Open at 7:30pm Show Starts at 8:00pm
The show is open to all. Candy and refreshments will be available, even the adult kind. Part of the proceeds go to the Bob Baker Marionette Theater, as it builds plans for its future in Los Angeles.
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