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Returning to San Diego Comic-con International 2016!

Captured Aural Phantasy Theater is returning to Comic-con International in San Diego! We will be hosting a spectactular panel on Saturday, July 23, in Room 26AB from 4:30-5:30pm.

The panel, "Weird Love: Vintage Romance Comics Come Alive!" delves into the mid-century romance genre and examines what's changed and what's the same in the dating scene between then and now. We are joined by Craig Yoe, editor of IDW's "Weird Love" comics as well as two top women in the comics industry, Adriana Yugovich of the LA Zine Fest and Kristen Simon, former editor of Image comics. We will be discussing the changing role of women in comics using the vintage stories as a springboard. Of course, Captued Aural Phantasy Theater will be performing a few sparkling examples of the genre, including 1951's "I Joined a Teen-Aged Sex Club." Crazy!

Also, the night before, Captured Aural Phantasy Theater will be the featured performers at the San Diego Natural History Museum, also known as the NAT, as part of its Park After Dark event during Comic-con weekend. We hit the stage at 5pm on Friday night, July 22 at the NAT! Check out http://www.sdnhm.org/ for more details.

Here's a little video to get you ready for the CON!

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